Team Rider Ski

  • Enjoy the thrills of off-piste skiing and learn more about the mountain and its dangers.
  • Discover skiing on different types of snow, make your tracks in the ungroomed snow.
  • Discover our Snowpark and learn to jump on skis.
Team Rider Ski
6 Team Rider Ski lessons
From the age of 10
198 €
From Sunday to Friday
Helmet and back protectors are compulsory
Lift pass not included
From 2pm to 4.30pm
Meeting points
At the top of the Prarion ski lift at 2pm
Remember to take out insurance
Which lift pass should I buy?
Equipment not included
Team Rider Ski 
6 Team Rider Ski lessons
From the age of 10
198 €
From Sunday to Friday
Helmet and back protectors are compulsory
Lift pass not included
From 2.30pm to 5pm
Meeting points
At the top of the Prarion ski lift at 2.30pm
Remember to take out insurance
Which lift pass should I buy?
Equipment not included

Frequently asked

All your questions
Does my child need specific equipment? 
Please bring a ski helmet and back protectors as they are compulsory to join Team Rider.